Metaverse event
Game of Crypto Thrones
Global Debate on Regulatory Approaches to Crypto-assets
Come join us in the Metaverse for a stimulating global debate featuring crypto companies from around the world as we delve into the intricacies surrounding MiCA and other regulatory frameworks. Gain insights from financial, legislative, and business perspectives, and hear firsthand accounts of any developments within some of the biggest players as a result of MiCA’s global impact.
We hope you are as excited as we are. Let us meet in the Metaverse and shape the future together!
Please indicate your intention to participate using the registration form below.
Frequently Asked Questions
On the day of the event, we will email you the link to the KassaiLaw metaverse. When the interface loads, please choose a nickname and an avatar. After that the platform will show you in a few steps how to navigate the character during the event.
Our metaverse event space is limited, but don’t worry, if you can’t make it, we will live stream the event, which we will also email you details of.
You do not need to create an account to participate, but if you would like to ask a question or comment in the chat platform, a short registration is required.
Once you have logged in to the KassaiLaw metaverse, chosen your nickname and avatar, learned how to move around the platform, a text appears at the bottom of the screen: „Sign up or log in to start saving your progress!” Click on „Get started! and follow the steps to sign up.
Desktop (no need to download app)
Compatible Browsers:
– we recommend Google Chrome
– Firefox
– Edge
– Arc
– Safari v 15.6 ≥
Your computer must also support WebGL 2.0. You can test this using- https://get.webgl.org/webgl2/
Mobile app (iOS or Android)
Just click on the link on your mobile phone that we’ll send you on the day of the event and you’ll automatically be taken to the app download.
Yes, the event will be streamed live on our Facebook, Youtube and LinkedIn accounts, as well as on Restream. A link will be emailed to you on the day of the event.
If you are amongst the first 50 participants, you can ask questions directly in the Metaverse where the chat is located in the bottom right corner.
On the live streaming platforms it will be possible to ask questions via chat as well.
If you have any questions please contact Zsofia at office@kassailaw.com
or on Telegram as @zsofia_kassailaw user.