How to choose the perfect country to found my startup in? – Part 1

Many entrepreneurs have asked us in our practice about this interesting and very important question, most recently during a panel talk last week. Consequently, we have decided to give some insight into how you can decide on where to start your business. Without doubt, location can be critical to the success of a company. While an unfortunate location does not necessarily spell disaster, and there are definitely ways that you can help overcome such a problem, there is no reason to make your own entrepreneurial journey more difficult than it needs to be. You can save yourself a lot of trouble with a little bit of planning ahead, and by choosing the right place to set up your business in the first place.

Choosing a country to start your business in is probably one of the most challenging and important decisions you’ll face in the first stages of setting up any startup. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and instead of trying to provide one, we will explain the most important aspects to consider in your own decision. So if you are just looking for a ‘best of’ list, you had best look somewhere else (our suggestion: Most Startup Friendly Countries in the World, 2019). For those who want to find the country that is tailored to their needs, keep reading!

We really tried to make this a short guide; however, we came to the realization along the way that we have so much to say, even about the basics, that it will have to be way more than that. So, we split it into two sections, hoping it will help more this way. Important note: putting all the aspects into different groups can be done based on a wide variety of conditions: we believe the one we have chosen will help most with understanding, but it is definitely not set in stone.


Market factors

Identify the target market

There is no real hierarchy amongst the aspects we mention here, but one of the most important is that creating a successful business doesn’t necessarily have to involve a ground-breaking idea, sometimes adopting concepts that work in other countries/markets can do the trick, too. So unless you have come up with an original concept (in which case big congratulations!),

you should always keep in mind that in order to be able to decide on the host country, you have to have a very clear picture of the problem you are solving, and the solution you are providing for that problem (see problem/solution fit).

In other words, you have to do a proper validation. This leads you to identify who you are trying to sell your product to: those people who actually accept and like the solution which you offer as one resolving a genuine problem in their lives (see product/market fit). This should be one of the first steps anyway, this is how you’ll know if your product has actually identified an existing customer pain and whether there is a need for your product at all. Not to mention that this is also what you will need to base your marketing strategy on, so dealing with this early on will be incredibly beneficial.

Many years ago we attended a hackathon in Budapest where one of the ideas was pet-sitting, hiring someone to take care of your pet when you are out of town—which helps you to escape the logistics of asking friends, parents, etc. That was a booming business in the US back then, but a non-existent service in Hungary. During the validation process the team discovered that the problem was genuine, people leaving town do indeed have to get someone to feed their pets, which is challenging. However, the solution of hiring strangers to take care of their precious pets didn’t appeal to people in Budapest; no one wanted to trust a stranger with this task. So, in the end, after 2 days of non-stop validation work, they chose to drop their idea and found another problem to solve. As you can see, in this case, the problem was not the business idea itself, but the actual market reality of the country they wanted to work in. If you do the same business in the US, where customers actually like your solution, your chances of succeeding are much higher.

There is truth in the saying that no competition is a bad sign.

If you have an idea for which there are no competitors on the market then you should be very suspicious, because chances are there is no market there at all (you have to be honest with yourself: there are hardly any ideas which have not occurred to anyone else on the planet before. So, if there was a validated market, chances are that someone else would already have started something in it).

As you can see, it is highly important to know what and to whom you are selling and find the country that actually has a potential market for the product. Even if the idea is naturally global, this aspect can still help you to find the fastest traction and growth to be able to generate hype quickly and attention around your business. This will pave the way for you to raise capital more easily or to enter international markets faster.

Perception of Customers (branding consideration)

What your customers will think about your corporate location is important. Some countries may even be deal-breakers for certain people, again depending on what and to whom you sell.

If you have a cool design product and you want to give it credibility, choosing a country that is famous for great designs will make it easier for you to get international attention. As you can see, this aspect again closely relates to your branding strategy. For example, selling a home decoration product as a Scandinavian design calls for more validity in itself. However, if you want to sell pineapples, addressing them as the “world’s tastiest pineapples from Sweden” might raise some questions among your customers.

Furthermore, if you have a very disrupting idea, you might succeed faster in an open-minded market than in a highly conservative one. A great example is that of Beyond Burger which started its first European operation  in Stockholm in 2018, where both the vegan lifestyle and the general market openness have helped them to break into Europe with a friendly welcome.

Business Model

As is clearly visible in the above examples, what works in one country may not work in another. Some business models can even be illegal or subject to high regulatory standards, permits and supervision by certain authorities, while the same model can be set up freely in a different country. For example, a business model based on the concept of a finder’s fee can be subject to certain conditions and registration as a licensed broker at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the US, while the same concept can be set up freely in the EU, as a self-employed agency-type business.

For each country, make sure you evaluate the cost/effort of localizing your business model and include this aspect in the decision.


Financial factors

Access to Money

A core part of your business plan is setting up the financial roadmap for your company as to when, why, how much and for what you will need to raise capital. Getting at least the broad picture of where the financial resources are that you want to target will be part of the initial planning phase.

For example, being in sight of those VC-s that are active in your industry and business based on their portfolios and investment policies might be advantageous. Furthermore, the countries you are considering may have grant money or low-interest capital that you might be qualified for. Or you might already know a local investor interested in your idea. A lot of investors will prefer you set up in the country that they are based in anyway, so these factors are definitely worth looking into for every country you are thinking about.

Tax Regime

It’s all about the money, again. However, the tax regime in force in various countries can also be considered when making a decision, and it often is. The tax advantages of incorporation in a tax-friendly yet reputable jurisdiction are generally worth the additional administrative costs in the long run.

Tax rate differential has proven to be a significant competitive burden for companies operating in high-tax countries. Whether or not incorporating a startup in a low-tax country  is worth the cost and effort depends upon the characteristics of the business and the founders’ objectives. This factor should be considered mainly if the goal is to operate globally in the long term.



Exciting developments
are underway at Kassailaw!
Our team of legal and technology experts is hard at work, preparing to launch a new and innovative way to access information and knowledge. This interactive platform will provide an immersive and engaging experience and we’re eager to share it with you.
Stay tuned!

“Is your team the dream team? How much percentage should each founder get?” One of the core ingredients to success is the right team with complementing skills and personalities: early stage investors (and business partners too, by the way) will invest in the team, not the idea. Our goal is to guide you in building a strong and well-functioning team, as well as help you uncover potential friction points or weaknesses in the team, so that you can address them in the very beginning. When it comes to the fair split with your co-founders, if you need a reference point, or just want reassurance, we have developed our own tool for equity split calculation. Hint: the one answer that’s certainly wrong is a hasty 50-50 split.

You have spotted a problem and found a viable solution – in other words, you have your idea. What’s the next step? You need to make sure that the problem your business is trying to solve is a valid problem for a wide enough group, and that

Are you sure that the problem your business is trying to solve is a valid problem for a wide enough group? 

When you spot a problem and think you have found a viable solution to create a business around, it’s all too easy to get excited and jump straight into ideating a solution.

Avoid making something and then hoping people buy it when you could research what people need and then make that.

It doesn’t make any sense to make a key and then run around looking for a lock to open.

There are many ingredients in the recipe for creating a successful startup, but most certainly whatever you read and wherever you go, one of the first pieces of advice is going to be to do your homework properly regarding the validation. You have to validate both your problem and your solution to be able to define the perfect problem-solution and later on the product-market fit. If you manipulate your future customers into liking your solution or do not reveal all the aspects and layers of a problem you identified, your idea can easily lose its ground and with that the probability of it surviving and actually being turned into a prosperous business. Let us know if we can help at this initial but yet super-important stage.

Validation is the first step in moving towards learning more about the problem you are ultimately looking to solve.

Finding your unique value proposition is only possible if you take a thorough glance at your competitors. The world of tech is highly competitive, particularly so when you operate in a field with low entry barriers, you need to carefully examine and regularly update the news and developments of those companies who act in the same field and market. This might lead to several pivots for you if necessary, because you can significantly increase your chances of success if you can offer a—at least in some aspect—unique solution to your customers. The introduction as “we are like Uber/Snapchat/WeWork/Spotify, only better” is hardly sufficient in most cases. Unless you really are so much better, but then you need to know that too, so up the competitive analysis.